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Joined: 02 Jul 2012, 21:24

Cold Team G8 - 10th Anniversary Edition Released

Dear members,

Exactly 10 years ago, after months of preparations I founded Cold Hacks and released the first generation of Cold Team. Back then I had no idea it was the beginning of something way bigger than I could have imagined and here we are today, still going strong after amazing 10 years :) I would like to thank you all for your continued support, as Cold Team and Cold Hacks wouldn't exist without you. Let's celebrate this time together. First of all, Cold Team G8 has been released!

Here are key highlights of this release:
  • No Slow - disables slow effect from wolf projectiles e.g. ice balls
  • Yellow Chat - enables hidden "yellow chat" in-game
  • Wolf Shield Boost - boosts wolf shield (recharged by roaring) to value of your choice
  • Power Master Effects - makes every room appear as power master room to you, this gives you 100% WP cost reduction and ability to change weapons at any moment during the game (press "B")
  • Coupon Redeemer - automatically redeems all your Gold, WC and GP coupon items
That's not all. There are more anniversary bonuses waiting for you:
  • for both new and active members - only today you can get -40% off every Cold Team package, so don't miss it! Discount is applied automatically during checkout. As always you can purchase via subscription management panel.
  • for all active members - your active subscriptions will be extended by 10 extra days
Once again thank you all for your support and helping me to make Cold Team what it is today, the best WolfTeam cheat ever made! :D

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